Wednesday, May 30, 2007


She has never turn her back on me. Always there for me. I called her Mak. Mumzy is her petname. My sisters and me always tease her by calling her Mumzy or when one of us text msg each other talking abt mak, we always use her petname eg. hey, u going to mumzy house tonite? hehehe! stylo mylo jugak mak aku ni eh.
I can never repay her endless love, tolerance, patience and her strength is really enormous. Age is catching up with her. She's quite active but her legs are giving her problem. She walks slow now but her hands are very fast when she cooks and cleans.
Mak, please tell me how can i ever repay you. Nothing that me or my sisters do can ever match the sacrifices that she had made for us. Though im a good cook, im not even half her match. Makkkkkk, i cayanggggggggg u indefinitely. muakkks muaakksss!!!!

hey sisters n couzyssss, from the bottom of my hearts, thank you so much for being there for me. ya lah, like your encouragement, praises, yr kutuk, yr ever ready listening ears. And not forgetting your legs when we went shopping together. Put us three siblings and two couzysss together in a room and you can forget making appt with us on that day!!! cayang cayang the two of u.

My BabyKiut
I nearly wanted her out of my life while I was carrying her in my womb. It was not that I hated her but i just had her brother seven months b4 I got to know that i was pregnant with her. N i was too tired to carry on with another pregnancy in the span of seven months.Now, i cant live without her. She is just so awesome, sweet and a Godsend angel to me. Sayang banget dgn dia. Always giving me wet kisses. She is my daughter, Siti Aishah aka Adek. Ive been calling her baby since she was a baby, of courselah. She's 14 now and she still behaves like a baby. But i loikkeee. U know what, tarzan pakai cawat; nak tulis pen takde dakwat; she is the daddy's pet. when shes w the father, she is untouchable. if i scold her infront of her daddy, i will be scolded by him. waliao ehhh!!! but no matter how close the both of them, she will look for me for everything. whatever it is, she is the daddy's pet and shes proud of it!!!! urgghhhh!!!

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